Design an inflatable to alter and disrupt paths within a library.
Made in collaboration with Kevin Thies
While digging through nylon scrap, we found a vivid and life-like tie dyed fabric, similar to the skin of a crab or lobster, and knew we wanted to use it somehow.
We found a preexisting pattern online, which called for six identical slices. Then, we altered the shape in Photoshop to expand the seams and made only five slices to create the main form. The resulting shape wasn't quite spherical, but more flower-esque.
The white ripstop nylon that made up the creature's body was in part a material consideration of the project, as it's what we had the most of, and would contrast with the tie dyed fabric.
Only so much of the design could be done on paper, so we began cutting, altering, and sewing directly into the fabric, letting the forms take shape naturally as we fed the fabric through the sewing machine.
Making the tentacles was a process of trial and error, and we ended up doing a mix of organic discovery on the sewing machine and sewn "tendons" that were pulled in to curl the tentacles, with a method similar to that of sewing a ruffle.
We liked the idea of the creature being neither peaceful nor malevolent. By existing in both worlds, there's a sense of ambiguity and silliness as well as the potential to harm and be disruptive. Choosing the stacks ended up being a great move, as the tentacles could latch onto and push books off of the shelves.
It was really exciting to see how our classmates reacted to our project. People touched the tentacles and compared it to a monster or a parasite that could hurt someone. However, when prompted, nobody actually said that it scared them. Besides, it loudly announces its presence with the fan that kept it inflated, so it couldn't sneak up on anyone.